Sunday, 14 September 2014


Hello friends

This blog is all about selection procedure and other important things that one might want to know about TATA Consultancy Services aka TCS.

What is the offered salary?
Verify your offer letter.
Verify your Joining letter.
Training Period.
College Grades.
Information about different ILP Centers.
And So on....

College Grades

Grade A Colleges 

1)  All IITs
2)  VJTI, Mumbai
3)  MSU, Vadodara, Gujarat
4)  Nirma Institute of Engineering
5)  IT-BHU6)  COE, Tvm
7)  BIT, Mesra, Ranchi
8)  MIT Manipal
10) IIIT Allahabad
11) CIT, Coimbatore
12) Gct, Coimbatore
13) PSG, Coimbatore
14) TCE, Madurai
15) DCE
16) Thapar College
17) Jadavpur University
18) JNTU Hyderabad
19) OUCE Hyderabad
21) NIT, Trichy
22) MANIT Bhopal
23) NIT, Nagpur
24) Fr.Agnel,Bandra-Mumbai
25) Fr.Agnel,Bandra-Mumbai
26) NITK Surathkal
27) CUSAT kerala
28) VIT University ,Vellore
29) Anna University Chennai
30) NIT, Kurukshetra
31) Walchand College of Engg, Sangli
32) SRM ,Chennai
33) Pondicherry engineering college
34) NIT Allahabad
35) Sastra,tanjore
36) Govt. College of Engg, Pune
37) NIT Warangal
38) KGEC, WB
39) SJCE, Mysore
40) Hyderabad Central University
41) NIT Durgapur

Grade B Colleges

1) Rollwala, Gujarat University
 2) Thiagarajar School of Mgmt
 3) SSGS & IET Naded
 4) CET bbsr
 5) Army Institute of Tech, Pune
 6) Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalaya
 7) HBTI, Kanpur
 8) Banasthali University
 9) JEC Jabalpur
 10) DDIT Nadiad
 11) BEC , Bagalkot ,karnataka
 12) Biet,Davangere,Karnataka 
 13) JNTU,Kakinada,Andhra
 14) KLECET,Belgaum 
 15) FISAT,kerala 
 16) BVBCET, Hubli,Karnataka 
 17) National Institute of Engg, Mysore 
 18) JNNCE , Shimoga, Karnataka 
 19) IET, Indore 
 20) KJ somaiya Mumbai 
 21) RAIT,NERUL(navi mumbai) 
 22) Ujjain Engineering College 
 23) VESIT, Mumbai 
 24) DA-IICT, Gandhinagar
 25) Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune (BVP) 
 26) Sikkim Manipal Institute of Tech 
 27) UCE, Burla 
 28) NIT Jamshedpur 
 29) AMU, Aligarh UP 
 30) IET lucknow 
 31) IGIT Delhi 
 32) KNIT, Sultanpur 
 33) YMCA, Faridabad 
 34) IEM,Kolkata 
 35) MSRIT, Blore 
 36) GITAM,Vizag 
 37) RVCE 
 38) RMK ENGG COLL,Chennai 
 39) NMAMIT nitte 
 40) SIT,Tukmur 
 41) TKM college of engineering 
 42) DCRUST 
 43) NIT Jalandhar 
 44) College of Tech, GBPUAT, Pantnagar 
 45) GNDU, Amritsar Punjab 
 46) Netaji Subhash Engg College 
 47) ITER , bhubaneswar 
 48) Amrita engg college, Bangalore 
 49) Amrita School of Egg, kollam,kerala 
 50) Amrita School of Engg, Cbe 
 51) MCE,Hassan,karnataka 
 52) SSIT , Karnataka 
 53) Punjabi University Patiala 
 54) GVP col of engg, Vizag 
 55) SRKR Engineering College 

Friday, 6 June 2014

ASPIRE Finished

Finally after so many hurdles of sub modules including so many quizzes completed the Aspire 2014.

Here are the snaps of each module:
 Module 1
Module 2
Module 3:
Module 4: 
Module 5:
Module 6:

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

ASPIRE Unleashed

Finally the awaited and most vigorously discussed topic "ASPIRE" is open for all the off-campus selects.
Deadline : 10th June 2014

6 Modules of IT stream

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Offer Letter

The 26th day of March 2014, when finally the offer letter from TCS arrived.


Sunday, 16 March 2014

TCS Selection Process-Part 2(Interview)

Finally the day of interview...
Reached half an hour before the time. Was feeling so excited. Had mixed feelings.
At 9:00 am we were led to an auditorium where casual attendance was taken.
I could see around 250-300 people there, well dressed in formals, carrying all docs in a file.
The HRs from TCS were very much punctual about time. They were there sharp at 9:00 am.

All the candidate present there were randomly divided into 8 groups.

As time passed I realized there will be 3 rounds of interview in succession i.e
1. Technical Round
2. Managerial  Round
3. HR
Turn by turn candidates were called and they started with technical round then managerial and at last HR.

After a long wait my turn came around 4:00 PM.
I got inside the cabin , there were two people, I wished them good afternoon and asked to come in.
Initially I was a bit nervous as it was my first interview.
The guys in cabin offered me water and started to ask about me.
I gave a brief description of myself that I prepared. Then they switched to the technical part.
Asked a few questions over data types used in C language.
A few questions over databases, SQL queries.
At last they gave me to write code that prints calender of a given month and year in C lang.
I completed this task successfully.
Now they asked me "In what more languages you can write this code..?"
I answered "In C++ and JAVA". They told me to do so.
I completed this also.
At last they greeted me and told me to wait outside for results of this round.

After about 1 hr results came and I was shortlisted for next round.

Due non availability of much time they directly jumped to HR round.

In HR round , there was a lady, she was having a laptop and I think she was online with TCS portal and was updating the candidate status.
She asked a few personal questions , some questions about studies, gap in studies, future plans.
Lastly she asked question about problem in relocation.

She explained, TCS needs very flexible people so that they can work in any extreme conditions.

She asked me whether I'm OK if they relocate me in Chennai or other remote places.
I thought for a second or two and replied very confidently:"Mam , I just like a pebble , throw me in any pond I'll generate ripples."
I think she was glad to hear such a reply.
She asked me to wait until TCS will notify me by mail.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Interview Scheduled

Results of Aptitude Test Announced
Cleared.. Feeling Proud

Interview Details

According to the stats I got to know, there were approx 15000 candidates who appeared in online test from my region. And from all those around 200 candidates were shortlisted for interview.