Monday, 10 March 2014

TCS Selection Process- Part 1(Online Aptitude Test)

Reached home on 8th March 11:00 PM .
Test Scheduled on 9th March 9:00 AM , test center 25 km from my home.

The aptitude seams just an easy step to go through. But rather its the step where many candidates get screened off.
TCS apti was also of the same kind.
It had many questions based on calculations , simple reasoning and much more stuff like that.

There were no questions based on Programming.
As TCS is an IT company many people might think there will be questions over C,C++ JAVA etc. and might waste their precious preparation time on such topics.

After the test was over I was pretty much sure that I would not be able to clear it.... and let me tell you this was the same feeling with many of the candidates who appeared in the test with me as the level of test was a bit high.

Now waiting for results to be announced.
Heading towards college.

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